I’m going for my first Brazilian wax. What do I need to know?

Here’s what I advise my clients about their first time getting a Brazilian wax.

First of all, I’ve done waxing so many times before that I’m not concerned by whatever you look like down there. So don't worry about that.

When to schedule your waxing appointment:

Don’t get your wax the day before you go on vacation, get married, tan, or whatever else you have planned, since it can take a few days for your skin to calm down after waxing. Schedule at least 3-4 days beforehand.

In terms of hair length, the longer, the better (shorter hair makes waxing more difficult). Your hair needs to be at least ¼ inch long and up to ½ inch long.

What to expect pain-wise:

Your first one may hurt a bit, since it's a new sensation and if you have course hair. Generally as time goes on, and assuming you get them regularly (like every 3-5 weeks), the pain will lessen. The first time also takes the longest.

How to prepare for your first waxing:

  • Avoid tanning, shaving, or trying to trim your hairs before the service. Also, note that you don’t want to wax irritated, inflamed, cut, or sunburned skin.

  • You could take some Ibuprofen about an hour before to lessen the pain.

  • Shower.

  • Wear loose clothing (yoga or sweat pants are ideal). Make sure they’re clothes you don’t mind getting wax on.

  • Reduce the amount of fluids you drink beforehand, so you’re not tempted by the need to pee.

What happens during your waxing:

  • The process can takes about a half hour, with follow up waxing taking as little as 15 minutes. It just depends on how tough your hair is.

  • I’ll ask you to remove your underwear and provide you with a towel to cover your lap until I’m ready to get started.

  • Be sure to explain to me the results you’re looking for style or pattern-wise, such as “French," “Brazilian," "Hollywood" etc. You can do a strip, a triangle, a small triangle, leave a lot, leave a little, go all the way behind, leave the behind but all off the front, etc.

  • When I’m ready to get started, I’ll explain how you’ll need to position yourself.

  • Try to relax and remember to breath. And don’t worry, I’ll be guiding you through every step of the way.

  • Once the waxing is completed, I may need to tweeze the remaining hairs.

After your waxing is complete:

  • It’s normal for your skin to be raw, irritated, and red for a few hours after your waxing.

  • Keep your waxed area clean and avoid heat and friction during the next 24 to 48 hours.

  • Once your skin has calmed down (more than 48 hours), and to avoid ingrown hairs, gently exfoliate the area with a little facial scrub, a special loofah for the area, or exfoliating gloves.

  • Avoid the sun or tanning for 24-48 hours to protect your skin and to avoid an uneven look.

Your results will last 3-5 weeks, depending on your hair and skin type. You’ll want to wax regularly for the best results. You can return for waxing when the little hairs are at least 2 mm long.

Contact us if you have any more questions and we look forward to seeing you at your next visit.